Filing season is around the corner. Take these steps so you’re prepared. 

Review Changes 

Did you recently get married or divorced, or experience the death of a spouse? These and other life events could affect your filing status, tax benefit eligibility, and tax return.  

Gather and Organize Records 

It’s best to keep your tax records for at least 3 years, and having a copy of last year’s tax return may make filing this year’s return easier. For example, if you’re using a software product for the first time, you may need to provide information from the previous year.  

If you own a business, review tips from the IRS on what types of records you should keep.  

Stay Alert 

Scammers and fraudsters often pose as employees of Virginia Tax, the IRS, or other government agencies. Then they contact unsuspecting taxpayers and pressure them in the hopes of obtaining confidential personal information. Some may claim that you violated a tax law, cheated on tax credits, or failed to pay money to the commonwealth, or the federal government. As we head into tax season, review our Refund Fraud Prevention page for tips on how to protect yourself against fraud.